vi /etc/systemd/system/gost.service Enable service
Category: Web
Install SSL cert for Nginx with on Debain
Get Setup Aliyun DNS API , I need to match * for the SSL Issue a cert Check cert Install crontab Errors No EAB credentials found for ZeroSSL, let’s get one
Create a password for nginx basic auth access
This will create a auth file for nginx using later. Below will add configure for nginx use .htpasswd.
Python VS PHP
Python sample PHP sample #!/usr/bin/python3 <?php Var String a = “” a = ” a = “””line1 line2″”” $a = “”; $a = ”; $a = “line1 line2″; Number a = 1 b=1.0 $a = 1; List a=[1,2,3] $a = [1,2,3]; $a = array(1,2,3); Tuple a=(1,”2″) $a = [1,”2”]; Set a={‘a’,’b’,’c’} Dictionary a={“a”:”aa”,”b”:”bb”} $a =…
Linux command VS
Description CentOS 8 Ubuntu 20 Docker package manager yum apt apk Update yum update -y apt update apk update Check OS version cat /etc/redhat-releasecat /proc/version cat /etc/issuecat /proc/version cat /etc/issuecat /proc/version Install aws-cli dnf install python3-pippip3 install awscli apt-get install awscli apk add –no-cache aws-cli Install wget yum install wget apt-get install wget – Install curl…
Windows+Ubuntu18 install zeppelin
org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.InterpreterException: Interpreter process is not running I need to copy a from file in ./conf/ folder and change the variable: Then I restarted the zeppelin and all the interpreters all work fine. Copy a zeppelin-site.xml from template file zeppelin-site.xml.template, change the variable: zeppelin.server.addr ‘s value from to Restart: bin/ stopbin/…
IDEA 中 Excluded后解除
今天在IDEA中,一个目录被Excluded后,想要再次加入项目,怎么操作都不行,最后打开项目根目录下的 项目.iml文件,删除了其中的 <excludeFolder url=”file://$MODULE_DIR$/XXXX/builder” /> 后,builder目录恢复正常。